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Сильнейшие игроки

  • Охотники

    1 Brotherhood of Darknessfisher1984[36] 28836485

    2 Brotherhood of DarknessеленаГилберт[32] 8582507

    3 АльфаButterfly[31] 4302738

    4 Brotherhood of DarknessvaRvar[30] 2324410

    5 Brotherhood of DarknessExecutor[30] 1851278

  • Ремесленники

    1 Brotherhood of Darknessfisher1984[36] 9800264

    2 АльфаButterfly[31] 7994204

    3 Brotherhood of DarknessvaRvar[30] 5307507

    4 Brotherhood of DarknessеленаГилберт[32] 4238094

    5 Brotherhood of Darknessfarshmag[28] 2226571

  • Собиратели

    1 Brotherhood of Darknessfisher1984[36] 6558

    2 Brotherhood of DarknessvaRvar[30] 4329

    3 Brotherhood of DarknessеленаГилберт[32] 4230

    4 Brotherhood of Darknessfarshmag[28] 3384

    5 АльфаButterfly[31] 3051

  • Шаманы

    1 Brotherhood of Darknessfisher1984[36] 11092

    2 Brotherhood of DarknessvaRvar[30] 9042

    3 Brotherhood of DarknessеленаГилберт[32] 8919

    4 Brotherhood of Darknessfarshmag[28] 6838

    5 АльфаButterfly[31] 6259

  • Мастера

    1 Brotherhood of DarknessvaRvar[30] 9622

    2 АльфаButterfly[31] 9336

    3 Brotherhood of Darknessfisher1984[36] 4477

    4 Орден МиротворцевSvetoZar[28] 4212

    5 Brotherhood of Darknessfarshmag[28] 3465
